The Gift of Friendship

“True friendship consists not in the multitude of freinds, but in their worth and value.” by Ben Jonson

     We all like to be the life of the party and we like to feel wanted, and the more people who seem to like us, the better.
Still, we recognize who our true friends are-and we don’t have so many of these. They are the friends who don’t wait to ask what they can do when we need help. They’re the friends who tell us the things we don’t want to hear, but need to hear anyway. They’re the friends who know us-both our good and bad moments-and love us as we are.

     Friends give us their friendship and all that goes with it: laughter, support, loyalty, trust, companionship, sympathy, new interests. When we give friendship, we get friendship in return. It truly is a gift we give ourselves. Opening ourselves to friendship takes time and commitment, and it involves some risk-but, oh, the possibilities!

I am truly blessed to have  so many true friends. This holiday season seek out that real friend and do something special for them.